فارسی عربي


Exclusive Interview: Mehran Rajabi

In an exclusive interview with ifilm, Iranian actor Mehran Rajabi talks about his acting career.

Below is a rough translation of selected parts from the interview conducted by ifilm in Persian:

ifilm: How did you become an actor?

Rajabi: I was introduced to the world of cinema and television by Reza Mirkarimi. We became friends during our university years which dates back to 1984. We sat next to each other on the first day and our friendship continues to this very day. I began as the script supervisor of ‘Hemmat School Kids’ but I was later chosen to play the character of the school dean in the same series and I set foot in the world of acting on that day.

ifilm: You have appeared in many project both in cinema and on television.

Rajabi: The truth is that we, actors, like to act in noteworthy projects. I have appeared in an number of noteworthy works like the series ‘Ancient Land’. And I have also worked in low level project only for the money. When you have chosen this profession, it is hard to work in other areas and at the same time you need to work to sustain your living and it is not possible to do so only by acting in very special projects.

ifilm: Kianoush Ayyari (an Iranian director) has on various occasions said that you are one of the best actors which was seen as a joke by some people at first but he has on many occasions defended his viewpoint.

Rajabi: I am sure that you were one of those who considered it to be a joke (laughing)! It shows Kianoush Ayyari’s kindness. However, I must point out that he has also said that “I do not see the skills of acting in Mehran Rajabi.” I would later asked him did you mean to praise me or criticize me. He would laugh and say that a good actor is one who does not change their voice and deliver the role the way they are and you have this trait. But what matters is that all of this is God's blessing upon me and as I have said in the past, even my nose is a blessing.

ifilm: You have performed a number of serious role and have been successful but it seems that you prefer comedies.

Rajabi: To be honest, I am not really sure if I am more suitable for serious or comedy roles but I have realized that I can perform well in comedy roles as well.

ifilm: Which one of your roles is your favorite?

Rajabi: I like the movie ‘Under the Moonlight’ because it was not a controversial film and my character in the movie is unique compared to my other cinematic performances. Regarding television, ‘Gharib’s World’ is a favorite of mine for its good story and its historical theme and it was well made.

ifilm: What are you up to these days?

Rajabi: I am currently playing in the feature film ‘We Are So Cool” directed by Bahman Goudarzi and I really like my makeup. I am also performing in the second season of the series ‘Bachelor’s Degree Holders’ directed by Soroush Sehhat.

Interview conducted by Hanieh Khavari

* To read more about Mehran Rajabi click here.
